Base & Co Spain

Base&Co Spain recorded a growth of 110% in 2017 through the signing of new advertisers in the real estate sector. The agency want to expand their business and increase “the business development unit” to their new approach of CPL campaign.

Hachette Collections

Hachette Collections renews the partnership with Base & Co agency for the acquisition of new customers. The agency’s mission will be to optimize customer relations with Disney products.


Kaufman&Broad, US real estate developer signs for the implementation of recruitment campaigns via the various levers of the agency. The Kaufman&Road Group, listed on the Paris stock exchange, has close to 70,000 apartments and individual houses in France.

The growth of Base & Co

Base&Co, the French e-marketing agency, recorded a 25% increase in revenue compared to 2015. Thanks to the development of new mechanics and new recruitment solutions, the agency has attracted more than 10% new customers in the year 2016, such as the Altéra Cogedim group. The growth of Base & Co is based on the growth of its customers in the housing and e-commerce sector, which place more emphasis on recruitment to performance.