They trust us

Founded in 2005, Base&Co is a major player in online performance marketing. The agency assists you with developing and delivering innovative operations to generate qualified profiles and increase your sales. Thanks to an experienced and operational team, the agency provides a 360° view of its client’s strategy by proposing the best acquisition levers. We ensure delivery over a premium National and European-scale network E-MARKETING.
- Lead themes: housing, real estate, insurance, training, e-commerce, finance.
- To adapt a collection operation to your needs.
- To ensure quality delivery through our premium network.
(E-mailing, Adwords, Facebook Ads, Native Ads, SMS Ads, Coregistration améliorée)
- To control your ROI (Return on investment).

25 Million
email opt-in adresses

Social ADS
40 Million
unique visitors

Native ADS
29 Million
unique visitors

40 Million
unique visitors

10 Million

global publishers

GRDF a choisi de faire confiance à Base&co afin de mener à bien sa campagne autour de méthanisation, pour aider les agriculteurs à monter un projet d’injection de leurs déchets agricoles.

Viessmann : Entreprise allemande spécialisée dans la construction et la vente de chaudières de chauffage central signe avec Base&co pour sa campagne de recrutement.

Base&co signe avec Effy : N°1 de la rénovation énergétique en ligne. Effy améliore le quotidien de tout grâce à des solutions sur mesure au service de l’efficacité énergétique.

Kaufman et Broad est promoteur immobilier en France depuis plus de 50 ans signe avec l’agence Base&co pour la création et la diffusion de campagnes sur son réseau premium via Emailing et Newsletter.

Base&co signe avec Tropic Spa : leader e-commerce de la vente de spa haut de gamme, filiale du Groupe Majestics business.

Base&co signe avec Hellio : spécialiste en économies d’énergie, Hellio améliore le quotidien de tout grâce à des solutions sur mesure au service de l’efficacité énergétique.

Une question sur nos services ? Un besoin urgent ? Notre équipe commerciale est dès à présent disponible via WhatsApp pour répondre à toutes vos questions ! N’hésitez pas à nous contacter.

The group Saint Gobain, world leader in sustainable construction and present in 72 countries, chooses the agency Base&Co for the implementation of a Chatlead campaign via various acquisition levers Emailing, SMS, Socias Ads and Native Ads.

Our new exclusive #leads collection method to feed your customer database. To modernize and make the collection system more attractive, we were inspired by an “online” experience. The idea is to collect the prospect’s information in the form of a virtual online conversation while using existing levers (emailing, sms, newsletter, native ads, Facebook). Contact us now

Baseandco has a makeover! We are pleased to announce our emenagement in our new premises!

Base&Co signs with Celside Insurance, a new international brand dedicated to the coverage of smartphones, multimedia and connected objects in France.

Total Direct Énergie, formerly Direct Énergie, is a private French supplier and producer of electricity and gas that has been on the French market since 2003. It is the first alternative energy supplier in France.Total Direct Énergie signs with the Base&Co agency for the recruitment of new performance customers.

Quitoque, the n°1 of packed lunch delivery containing fresh products and recipe sheets, decides to trust the Base&Co agency for the tailor-made recruitment of new customers via the Emailing lever. This startup created in 2014 and bought by the Carrefour group last March, has positioned itself as a champion in France with 3 million meals delivered per year.

Base and Co has been innovating since 2005 to bring its customers the results they need and it works! The first quarter of 2019 will confirm the acceleration of our growth with a turnover in January of more than 189% compared to 2018. This strong progress is accompanied by a marked improvement in operational campaigns thanks to the strengthening of the teams operated to accompany the implementation of our strategy in France. All the indicators are positive. 2019 should be a year of high performance achieving our annual growth goal…to follow!

Bouygues Immobilier, the Bouygues group’s real estate development is trusting Base & Co to set up Funnel recruitment on its premium network.

Base&Co Spain recorded a growth of 110% in 2017 through the signing of new advertisers in the real estate sector. The agency want to expand their business and increase “the business development unit” to their new approach of CPL campaign.

Hachette Collections renews the partnership with Base & Co agency for the acquisition of new customers. The agency’s mission will be to optimize customer relations with Disney products.

Kaufman&Broad, US real estate developer signs for the implementation of recruitment campaigns via the various levers of the agency. The Kaufman&Road Group, listed on the Paris stock exchange, has close to 70,000 apartments and individual houses in France.

Base&Co, the French e-marketing agency, recorded a 25% increase in revenue compared to 2015. Thanks to the development of new mechanics and new recruitment solutions, the agency has attracted more than 10% new customers in the year 2016, such as the Altéra Cogedim group. The growth of Base & Co is based on the growth of its customers in the housing and e-commerce sector, which place more emphasis on recruitment to performance.

Nexity, a real estate company created in 2000, signs up with the Base & Co agency for the recruitment of new clients to the performance via the Social Ads. Nexity has 220 branches and boutiques in France and is present at the International: Belgium, Italy, Poland, Switzerland.

N ° 1 French alarm systems connected with remote monitoring sign with our agency, to recruit new customers with Emailing, Native Ads and Social Ads. Base & Co is still positioned a bit more like recruitment performance leader in the sector of home alarm.

Besides the Enhanced co-registration, the group Altarea Cogedim optimizes his partnership with Base&Co to confide her customers acquisition via the other levers as E-mailing, AdSense and Social Ads. Base&Co agency becomes always more a leader in the performance acquisition in the real estate sector.

The Mistergooddeal e-commerce website of the Darty’s group chooses Base&Co to launch a multichannel for Winter Sales 2016.
Customized Landing Pages

Grâce à des tests effectués par l’agence Base&Co via emailing dédié, nous sommes arrivés à un taux de transformation exceptionnel de 18%. Il est vraiment intéressant de voir que lorsque l’on exploite bien le canal de la co-registration, nous pouvons réaliser des volumes réguliers chaque jour et réaliser de fortes performances.
Jean‑christophe DEVILLERS
Responsable Activation d’Audience
Base&Co has become an important partner for Bose. At first surprised by the guarantee of success that Base&Co offered us, we are now satisfied with the results of our campaigns, which are effectively enriching our database. The teams have been able to understand our issues and propose innovative and effective concepts, while being pleasant and receptive.
Tiffani Ben Ameur
Chef de Projet Marketing
Since 2010, we have trusted the expertise of the Base&Co. In 2018, we maximized our performance by using A/B testing to optimize results. Thanks to this testing phase and to the revamping of an innovative graphic design, we noticed an upward trend in our client base. Today, we rely on the key competencies of Base&Co by using channels such as e-mailing, enhanced co-registration and native advertising.
Coralie GRANET
Directrice Marketing et Relation Clients